Dhun | Resonance

A regenerative way of life grows in India.

Dhun, located on a 500-acre bioreserve on the outskirts of Jaipur, India, is conceived as a place of community living, continuous learning, and holistic wellbeing that will allow some 8,500 residents and visitors to realize their true potential. Dhun life began on degenerated land with little water and fewer than 30 trees a decade ago, and is today the home of some 300,000 trees and restored water systems that have harvested some 400 million litres of rainwater. Dhun is a remarkable regenerative habitat.

Resonance was engaged to help position Dhun for an eventual audience of values-driven visitors and residents. To do so, we joined the Dhun team to explore themes of traditional knowledge and cutting-edge technology, transformational practices and notions of wellbeing, as well as current and potential systems of education, the workplace, commerce and recreation. Dhun inspires experimental, idealistic and optimistic thinking on every topic, tempered by a determination to create lasting results.

With the client team, we described Dhun as an community at the intersection of self-discovery, communal harmony and natural rebirth. The Dhun effect, for both landscape and people, is real regeneration—growth that leads to dynamic connections, creative thinking and  profound wellbeing. Dhun aspires to be nothing less than transformative, a blueprint for the future of living.

For the Dhun Brand Story, Resonance created a series of Programming Catalysts that are shaping the development of Dhun, from a School of Pursuits and Passions to Cross-Generational Mentorship Programs to a Centre for Cultural Entrepreneurship, the preservation of Jaipur’s Havelis and many more. These catalysts are guides in the creation of the community, helping the stewards of Dhun frame their careful exploration of its many possibilities.

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