A roadmap to elevate culinary offerings and make food a reason to visit the happy island
Barbados enjoys an enviable reputation in the Caribbean. It’s understood to be an island that exceeds expectations and has favorable impressions from key markets. BTMI, the Barbados tourism authority, engaged Resonance to help it grow by creating distinct marketing and branding strategies that would help the organization own a unique engagement territory, build a distinct promise, speak consistently to its audiences and improve the visitor experience.
Our detailed marketing strategy included goals to create a best-in-class organization, develop aspirational and niche-based content, market to tomorrow’s travelers and improve the visitor experience. A detailed route to the execution of the strategy was part of the package. For the Brand Strategy, we began with the creation of a brand narrative based on research showing that Barbados is perceived as tranquil and vibrant; authentic and progressive; spicy and happening.
The brand story we crafted was designed to differentiate Barbados from its many island competitors, and embrace our rich history—both cultural and political—as well as our modern advancements and the soft power created by Barbadian athletes, entertainers and politicians, all of which contribute to making the island feel like much more than a sand and sea escape. We leveraged this exceptionalism by positioning Barbados as a destination that’s timeless but continually reinvents itself, leaving a mark on the world through its cultural influence, global impact, and unforgettable experiences. We expressed the positioning as Legendary Barbados.
Legendary Barbados was adopted as a positioning for the island by the BTMI, which is now preparing an RFP to agencies. The mandate: creatively express the Legendary Barbados positioning to international audiences.
A roadmap to elevate culinary offerings and make food a reason to visit the happy island
Understanding the future of tourism in an environmentally-sensitive destination.